If you haven’t been paying attention to the media these past couple of weeks, then you might have overlooked the fact that Valentine’s Day is right around the corner!
Many men and women believe that their partner will be devastated if they happen to forget Valentine’s Day, but do they really care, or are they simply being envious of other couples that are engaged in romantic gestures and gift purchasing?
Surveys show that more than 50% of couples would rather not propose or be proposed to on Valentine’s Day, believing it to be too cliche’.
It turns out that people have very different ideas of what their perfect Valentine’s Day should be like. Some prefer going on vacation, others would rather have a romantic dinner date, and most are happy spending the whole day cuddling in bed together, etc….
A lot of men think that a dozen roses and an I Love You is what will make their lady happy on Valentine’s Day, but most women tend to disagree.
What most women actually prefer is a beautiful piece of jewelry or a pampering day at the spa. If a woman wants to make her man happy, tickets to see his favorite sports team play is always a sure bet, or a back massage.
Since most women prefer to get jewelry on Valentine’s Day, it is important that you give her something that will make her feel special and that she will absolutely adore.
This is where Bez Ambar Fine Jewelry is ready to step in and help you make the right choice! If you are looking for a pendant or a pair of earrings as a Valentine’s Day gift for you special someone, then don’t miss our Valentine’s Day Sale.
If you prefer to purchase your gift in person, then feel free to contact us and we’ll happily refer you to an authorized Bez Ambar retailer in your area.